DATA { INT ind_user; } RGB { RB rbs[] } USER { RGB rgbs[]; DATA datas_to_transmit[]; } # in the case of a lonely array as a buffer DATA buffer[] # previously initialized # and continuously filled by the incoming datas RGB all_rgbs[] DATA u_data[nb_bits_per_sequence] USER users[] INT nb_bits_per_sequence # scheduler size FOR u IN users DO #FOR i in nb_bits_per_sequence DO # u_data[i] = buffer.get_bit(u) #ENDFOR u_data[0] = buffer.get_bit(u) IF u_data.[0] IS NOT None u.rgbs += GET_FREE_RGB() ENDIF ENDFOR # in attention of the mapper FOR u IN users DO FOR i in nb_bits_per_sequence DO u_data[i] = buffer.get_bit(u) ENDFOR u.datas_to_transmit = u_data ENDFOR